T 2U: he shits on me and i take it because I'm afraid to leave
alisenikkole: wow, what a metaphor
alisenikkole: but your mediocre expectation friends (read: coworkers) tell you well at least you got a man
T 2U: they sure do
alisenikkole: and it will take you getting beaten severely to finally leave
alisenikkole: if it don't kill you first
alisenikkole: read: stress
T2U: at least if i die I'll know it'll be the end
T 2U: instead of jumping into another abusive relationship
alisenikkole: break the cycle
T 2U: i'm afraid
T 2U: i'm nothing without him/it
alisenikkole: girl, you was something before, and you will be after
T 2U: he/it has me convinced that i'm not worth anything
alisenikkole: that's what I am here for, to encourage you
alisenikkole: you ARE some-body
alisenikkole: you can do better girrrrrrrrrrrl
T2U: lol
T2U: i
T2U: can
T2U: do
T2U: better
alisenikkole: girl, your president is black
alisenikkole: that is gonna be my catch all response to everything
We were kidding around as usual, but Tiha kind of had a point
- Tries to control you by being very bossy or demanding. - self explanatory
- Tries to isolate you by demanding you cut off social contacts and friendships. - overworks and ignores the fact that you have a life outside of the job (i.e. making you work every holiday)
- Is violent and / or loses his or her temper quickly. - you have the boss you are constantly trying please to avoid their adult temper tantrums
- Abuses drugs or alcohol. - replace drugs and alcohol with power and greed
- Claims you are responsible for his or her emotional state. - the blame game where higher ups blame the little people (us) for everything to cover their ass when shit hits the fan.
- Has a history of bad relationships. - Blames you even though their track record sucks a big one.
.... and there were many more on the list, and they all seemed to apply. So like I told
Oh yeah, buy my book.... pleeeeeeeeeease.... (see upper right hand corner)
4 comment(s) thus far...:
LMAO. Yea, we do need to break the cycle. We have a black president.
(Ironic that that was said, since I've been saying it for weeks now. Example: "You can't be cursing around the baby anymore, we have a black president".)
Tiha, don't let that get you down. You're clearly worth a lot more than ur crappy boss recognizes. Want me to come kick him in the nuts for you?? Cuz I'll do it.
P.S. Can't wait to get the book I ordered, Alise!
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I want my Book
Or I'm coming for U!!
*exits stage left*
JR, lol@ "don't curse around the baby.....", priceless
@ luvvie, leave the "poet-ing" to me and Tiha, please and thank you. :-P
This is the best metaphor on earth right now! Kudos to you and Tiha for seeing that parallels of this crap. I feel the same way. I actually feel like a soap opera wife that's been tied up in the basement for weeks and weeks.
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