After all of my organization’s reorg and people shuffling, I’ve been moved to a new (to me) cube with an executive style cube desk and a window view. I’ve been getting snide comments by people passing by my snazzy cube; they’ve said things like “moving on up” and “big time now”. To me, I’m still in a cube. Yes I have a bigger desk, and yes I now have a window that over looks the MARTA train tracks and pieces of downtown Atlanta, the view from floor 28 is indeed lovely. But I reiterate, to me I’m still in a cube. If you put a dress on a duck, does it become a flamingo? Will it go any farther in its life pretending to be as pretty as a flamingo, or will the dress hinder its flight and turn it into an interesting, yet grounded penguin? I know realistically this cube is just where I happen to land in the reorg, and that this is not any indication of how valuable they think I am. I’ve lived in the land of cubes for too long to be lulled into any sense of security. But a little piece of me wants to believe that things happen for a reason, and this itty bitty piece wants to bask in my double wide cube and gaze lazily out the window. I’ll give this little part of me its window view, its scenic reverie. But that’s all she’s getting, because the crusader has work to do and can’t get too comfortable….
5 comment(s) thus far...:
well at least you got a window out of your reorg, i will be blogging about my raggedy reorg tomorrow... but remember my cube affirmation:
The cube is temporary, soon my office will be a fabulous sphere..... the world.
Well enjoy ur view, Tiha!! The world is ur oyster, and maybe u happening to end up in the lavish cube is the sign that what is out there is soon to be urs.
I want a picture (with your snazzy camera) of the city from your fabulous 28th story perspective.
@luvvie-I'll second that
@monica-it looks like a bunch of cubes stacked up on top of each other. kinda like a scrabble board in mid game...
Even though your cube sounds fabulous, I still understand your frustration. A window though? Girl, at least you'll know when it's raining. You won't have to guess how the weather will be when lunch time hits lol
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