Apparently I've missed writing this blog, I swear this was supposed to be a one liner.
Stay tuned folks, we will be back soon!

If life were a forest, and we were city dwellers, we would find living in the forest quite daunting. City slickers weren’t meant to lounge in forests, however as humans we adapt. Our adaptation to the forest may result in inhabiting only a small section of the forest at a time, as we get used to our surroundings and figuring out which leaves SHOULD NOT be used to wipe our butts. This is quite understandable. In our timid adaptation to our strange surroundings, we may find ourselves leaning up against a dead tree. The roots may be rotted, it may sway a little too much to the side when the cooling breeze blows, whatever the case may be, this one tree we’ve been lamping on is dead. There aren’t too many places you can go once you’ve reached end. And since we are too afraid to venture away from our familiarly dead tree, we tend to focus on how awful the dead tree is and how it serves no purpose. We may even be scarred by the fact that we are just now realizing the tree is dead and wondering how long it had been deceased before we realized it, causing us to doubt our dead tree recognizing abilities. Causing us to ultimately doubt everything about ourselves. We focus on the dead tree and rotted roots, it absorbs our energy and all we can think about is how much the world sucks because your lamping tree is dead and it looks bad too and its all up in our personal space.
As we spiral deeper into our diatribe about how all the world is filled with rotten things and how only horrible things happen to us, and how we no longer trust ourselves to make good decisions because our last decision had us lamping on a dead tree, somewhere up above, people are laughing their a**es off at us. Someone somewhere says, between laughs “why don’t they just move to a better location, after all it is a forest and there are plenty of other vibrantly alive trees”. Ahh yes common sense. From the outside looking in it all seems so simple. But to the poor city dwelling peon in the forest, it’s not quite so clear.
The moral of the story is, don’t be a closed minded peon unable to progress because you are overwhelmed by a situation that is foreign to you. Keep it moving, I promise things will change and it will get better. And maybe, the people high up above will stop laughing. AND if its any consolation to you, the laughing people up top laughed their butts right up off that mountain and fell down to where you are, so they are throwing shade down there with you.

* this is an old picture, but it comes from a time when sista girl was really getting into her spoken word groove. Cheers to beginnings and continuations!
(c) "Doo Doo Brown" -2 Hype Brothers
(such profound and astute quotes, I know....)
someone asked me for advice. the cartoon below is a pretty good summation of what i told them:
Only thing is question was not about a job. It was about a toxic friendship. I don't even mean the run of the mill growing apart thing that usually happens around my age. It was a clear case of the fact that their friend was a complete and utter motherf.... shut yo mouf! This person went on and on forever about how this person was all types of not sh*t and various other colorful expletives, after 10 minutes in I grew agitated with the whole conversation. My answer was, [verbatim] "Tell her to exit stage left, and then you exit stage right." I received the typical response of, "But I love her we've been friends forever." ugh, that reeked of fail. I HATE, abhor, despise, and generally can't stand that response for anything. It is an unacceptable reason whether it be a friendship, romantic relationship, job, or to turn down a great oppurtunity. Sometimes it's good to be a quitter, as long as you are quitting strategically and quitting wack ass people. word. Just had to ge that off my chest... you know how i get to feeling some kinda way.

~originally posted 12/9/08~

I’ve found that for a while now I’ve been preparing for my war, my battle or to put it ethereally, my purpose in life. Anyone who knows me for 5 minutes knows that I have the spirit of a warrior, always ready to do battle for a cause, against an injustice, and in my youth just for the hell of it. And I’ve been walking around looking for my battle, dragging my sword on the ground, stomping my feet because I couldn’t find a fight. When all along, it was right in front of me. No it didn’t come in the form I expected it to, but neither does blessings or any other message given to us by the divine one. When you get your marching orders, no one is going to text it to your phone or email a detailed description of it. You’d just better get or you’ll miss it.
So now I’m ready, I’ve gotten the call to action. I’ve been preparing for years, I know the name of my zanpaktou and I’m ready to use it. Slaying demons, beheading dragons, or basically getting the job done, when you get the call, will you be ready?

from Poetry Wednesday's: MEH (my response to the debate last night)
Meditating Endlessly about my Horizons
because the view at ground level sucks
I’m too close to the manmade earth
which is made up mainly of mistakes and rocks.
I’ve taken to tugging on my hair
to relieve all this anxiety I have built up inside
in school I believe they said it’s a disorder
anxious obsession that I know is felt countrywide.
I have no sense of control
but what I sense isn’t too good
in fact its keeping me with bald patches on my head
and my eyes rolled up looking like a crackhead in the hood.
If drugs were an option
I’d be smacking my arm right now
but my youth has already taught me
that short term is not an option, not for me anyhow.
So I keep my eyes on the horizon
my mind floating amongst the clouds
keeping my dreams alive and safe
and protecting my goals underground.
from Free
-Alise, written to Tiha
if there were no cliffs
how would we know if our wings are working
instead of accessories taking up space
decorating cubicles
next to the family pic
and puppy calendar ...
on those cliff edges
are where emus transform
into mighty eagles
and lemmings get a clue.
from Poetry Wednesday - A sexy mind is a terrible thing to waste...
i swear i'm not great in my own mind,
my own mind just happens to be great
my brain is soooooo sexy
all gray and goowey
oozing sense and sensibility
sensual thoughts verbalized as creative ideas
genius bottled as grey matter
matter of factly packaged for success
from Coincidence?
So time for me
... to abandon the vicious cycles
.....and running in circles...
I am gonna run ....
in some new shapes,
no. fuck that.
I am multidimensional
I'll run, walk, and glide in 3D,
run in dodecahedron
excel in this sphere....
no more running in circles
...that always ends in a cube....
and our first joint poem we ever did, and probably our fave!
from Yet To Be Realized Potential of a Creative Class Superstar....