There’s a Wocket in My Pocket
A little boy talks about what strange creatures live in his house, such as the yeps on the steps, the nooth grush on his toothbrush, the yottle in the bottle and the jertain in the curtain.
editors note: They edited the book to take out some of the scarier creatures, boo them.
Ladies and Gentlemen and thugs, lets just take a moment to keep it real. We all have wockets in our pockets, some yeps, nooths, and yottles. We all have aspect of our personalities that we are proud of and some that we are not. When interacting with people, we can have the good ones show up, and place the bad ones away for awhile. However I caution all of you, when entering into a relationship with someone, (yeah I took it there) I think that all of your wockets, yeps and yottles need to come on downstairs and be introduced. You can’t hide them! They will always come out, eventually, and you don’t want their coming out party signify the end of your relationship. You need to know up front if your wocket will get along with your partner’s yep. Its just good business all around.
So to strengthen my relationship with my readers, I would like all of you to meet my Wocket.
*passing Ms. Wocket the mic , Wocket says “have you guys been totally honest with your partners in revealing yourself? If not did it end up biting you in the end? Because I bite!”
Thank you Ms. Wocket. Please answer her question, I have to live with her…
A little boy talks about what strange creatures live in his house, such as the yeps on the steps, the nooth grush on his toothbrush, the yottle in the bottle and the jertain in the curtain.
editors note: They edited the book to take out some of the scarier creatures, boo them.
Ladies and Gentlemen and thugs, lets just take a moment to keep it real. We all have wockets in our pockets, some yeps, nooths, and yottles. We all have aspect of our personalities that we are proud of and some that we are not. When interacting with people, we can have the good ones show up, and place the bad ones away for awhile. However I caution all of you, when entering into a relationship with someone, (yeah I took it there) I think that all of your wockets, yeps and yottles need to come on downstairs and be introduced. You can’t hide them! They will always come out, eventually, and you don’t want their coming out party signify the end of your relationship. You need to know up front if your wocket will get along with your partner’s yep. Its just good business all around.
So to strengthen my relationship with my readers, I would like all of you to meet my Wocket.
*passing Ms. Wocket the mic , Wocket says “have you guys been totally honest with your partners in revealing yourself? If not did it end up biting you in the end? Because I bite!”
Thank you Ms. Wocket. Please answer her question, I have to live with her…
14 comment(s) thus far...:
all hidden wockets usually come out in the long run..and that's what a lot of people fail to understand..you can't hide your wocket for long..lol
intimacy is the reward of commitment. I ain't got noone so no carts in front my horse.
hahhahahah funny but very true
My wocket and his yep duke it out sometimes... but then our yottles usually break it up, they get along just fine!
just reread that... honest to socks, i didn't seuss that up on purpose...
I have to say “Yes”. Her purposely hidden intent and deep flaws definitely ended up ruining the relationship. She walked off from all her commitments to our children and myself (the husband/father).
Do I "expose" my wockets? Well, I don’t have a wife/partner/girlfriend, so I can’t really do that within an intimate relationship now.
But, I contend our wockets aren’t just for other people. I try very hard to be, even harshly honest, to Myself, about my personal flaws. So that I can work on them. To either eliminate (in time) or greatly reduce them. So that I, as a person, are not mostly my “wockets”, but something much more positive.
I have been honest with my partner, but it has been a long internal road to get there mentally, but I am finally there... so take that Wocket!
I'm aware of my wockets, which include my (sometimes) lack of openness all in the name of keeping Harmony. But 09 is the year of "working on ME". Tryna kick that wocket out. Tis a toughie though. It's holding on to my pants like glitter to a dereon clutch. ET THEE BEHIND ME, WOCKET!
@ luvvie, i'm involved with someone that has the same kind of wocket as you. i cant choke them, but i can choke you! lol. its a lonely place when the wocket your with shuts u out...(chocking luvvie, working out frustrations thru transference...not healthy but sure is fun!)
@ lite
my wocket wants to share some of her gummie bears with u
LOL! You better be real careful want you say to a Whiteboy!
LOL! I might misunderstand. And tell you I like gummie bears. LOL!
Well, with THAT qoute, I know you'd understand that we are all born with Wocket, aren't we. I understand ya.
Tiha and Alise, I just want y'all to know that the Seuss-isms have been involuntarily rollin out of my mouth like water down the Jordan all day... you infected me with some kinda whacky rhyming mojo...
Stop it!
The Seusisms they will not stop
Tomorrow we will hop on Pop...
And will we see
when that is through
you counting Fish,
both red and blue?
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