A couple o' pics....

A couple of pictures from last weekend hanging with some of my poetic sistren....
Cami Brown Suga, Naturally Alise, Kemet

Er'Body! lol....

Hip-Hop Amber Alert

Classic video from 1994

What ever happeded to Ill and Al Skratch ??? Where are my homies? I guess they're creeping through the hood... up to no good! lol

peace y'all,
naturally alise

Music Report

This what I have been bumping as of late in the CD/mp3 player, some old, some new, all of it dope!

This girl is so ridiculously talented....... it is a unique that defintely pleased my ear... please check out her album: "day.break", you will not be disappointed (unless you are just boring.... and boring people suck...)

The "Bitter" album is just a masterpiece...... never gets old.

If you haven't heard the new Nas album I hereby revoke your hip-hop pass...lol, but seriosuly this album is the bizness, for realz, the Nas I love that I fell in love with on Illmatic but all grown up...

"...I'm leaving my fingerprints...." Dangit, that's right, I intend to leave my fingerprints on this world.... Love this song by Katy Perry who is the singer of the smash hit "I Kissed a Girl", well her whole album is pretty decent... but I really love this particular song.

I heart the Brand New Heavies, one of my all time favorite bands....

Self Pity(full)*

*Gosh I love(d) this song...... and her

Okay, this is just my moment of self pity, I don't want any well wishes, I just want to get it out , that's why I write to begin with.... catharsis, so this REALLY is just a life ranting, not a poem... just bear with me.....

I have days when even Jilly from Philly can't convince me that my life is not gold-plated
Right now I feel like a hot gilded mess
Yeah the exterior looks nice. But one shower and your neck will be green.
I kind of feel like I have more things going on than "A Milli" freestyles
I am tired. But the more I sleep, the more nightmares I have, and the more exhausted I get.
My ribs won't heal and stop hurting because I can't get proper rest/sleep, but I can't sleep/rest because my ribs hurt... and the nightmares...
oh man the nightmares...... but sometimes it is more scary waking up.
Mood swinging like hell, one minute I'm up, the next in the dumps....
And people say it could be worse, but what kind of fucking pick-me-up is that.... how about say it will and can be better.
that's it.
*not exactly a Cheshire Cat grin, but the same feeling....


You have Alise in Wonderland once again
Evoking Cheshire cat grins
With embraces that cover a multitude of sins
Holding me tight skin to skin
Where do I end and where do you begin?
Feeling like kissing cousins because our souls must be kin…
Dred…. ing this moment's end
Wondering how you stole my heart with a pen…???
And this living document you did amend
And With eyelid kisses you ratified this permanent grin....

Ladrón de Besos

You are definitely a smooth criminal, but I'm not telling....
Pillager of pecks and puckers
Marauder of magical mouth to mouth moments
Sweet stolen smooches.... lip to lip larceny
Kisses are the the best ill-gotten gain
....and require accomplices
Can I be your partner in crime?....
This is a piece I am writing using the word of the day from Webster's, a group I am in is using the words of the day to create a poem or short story, so here is my work in progress... I'll list the definitions after the poem. Enjoy!


I wanted to be a wahine on her body's ocean, riding every wave.
I longed to career into every crest and trough....
I am the alembic to the low tide of your dirty mind...
Making high tides of those perceived ignominious thoughts.....
No more superannuated routine found in stagnant swamps
I long to dampen those places indurated by the status quo
And contribute to the lionization of your body of water.

wahine - Slang. a young woman surfer.
career - To move or run at full speed; rush.
alembic - anything that transforms, purifies, or refines.
ignonimous - Marked by shame or disgrace
superannuate - to be or become old, out of date, or retired.
indurated - to make hard; harden, as rock, tissue, etc.
lionization - to treat (a person) as a celebrity


I am having a Clay Davis kinda day....I'll expound later..... see below video:

...final product....

New poem hot off the presses.... and I do mean hot!



Dear You,


I appoint your hands to be poet laureate of my pleasure
Your palms have a penchant for pretty purring places....
Possessing the precision to palm my posterior perfectly
Without pause pinpointing the position to provide plentiful passion
Pardoning ecstasy from prudish prisons
Rewarded with praises of  pouring potions....


I'm amazed at appendages administering attitude adjustments....

Multi-tasking hands that  manipulate moods.....

Manual motivation is a motherf…


Transcendent touches that tempt  transgressions told only in Tantric texts…......

Expert extremities  excavating erogenous....



Funny how five fingers can flip frowns
        ...... and hold tight to fragile flower frames never fracturing the foliage
             .....and find flows...
                     ......by forging through  fortresses of fear to open floodgates....
                             ........devising devilish deeds  to leave me drowning
                             diligent digits delivering doses of delight ,


I digress.  ....

Tangibly Yours,


added some more:

I appoint your hands to be poet laureate of my pleasure
Your palms have a penchant for pretty purring places....
Possessing the precision to palm my posterior perfectly
Without pause pinpointing the position to provide plentiful passion
Pardoning ecstasy from prudish prisons
Rewarded with praises of pouring potions....
Funny how five fingers can flip frowns
...... and hold tight to fragile flower frames never fracturing the foliage
.....and find flows...
......by forging through fortresses of fear to open floodgates....
........devising devilish deeds to leave me drowning
diligent digits delivering doses of delight
I was sitting thinking how fun it was to write/perform/read a crowd favorite poem I wrote a couple years ago entitled "Tongue Twisted", so I started writing something today that has the same feel of it (alliteration & erotic/sensual subject matter) and I get all giddy with each line I create, in fact I think it reaffirms for me the fact that poetry is my passion..... actually the new poem is inspired by the certain someone who has me smitten (nee Mental Baller).... anyway the new poem is first and then I will also throw "Tongue Twisted" up here, ya know for shits and giggles... Peace!

yet to be titled....
I appoint your hands to be poet laureate of my pleasure
Your palms have a penchant for pretty purring places....
Posessing the precision to palm my posterior perfectly
Without pause pinpointing the position to provide plentiful passion
Pardoning ectasy from prudish prisons
Rewarded with praises of pouring potions

"Tongue Twisted"
Can I show you some sexy, soft, sensual, soul satisfying alliterations
Rolling off my tongue sending sweet salacious sensations,
Steadily stroking, sipping, and sucking,
Slipping slowly across sweaty satin sheets.

Can I delight you with some desirous alliteration
Rolling off my tongue delivering divine dictations..
Dining on your delectable, delicious delicacies,

Can I lead you to some luscious ,lascivious, lustful alliteration
Rolling off my tongue lifting limitations.
Licking lightly, livening libido, letting loose
Longing to live lewd and licentious,

Can I capture you with some charismatic, charming, confident alliteration?
Rolling off my tongue commanding your concentration
Craving to consume your carnal candy.
conspiring to catch, converge , and come......

Can I procure you with some potent, powerful, pleasing alliteration?
Rolling off my tongue pleading for your penetration.
Passionate pulsation producing perspiration,
Plotting to possess your precious prize....

Can I take you with some tantalizing, tempting alliterations,
Rolling off my tongue for your titillation,
Taking time to tease and taste
Treating you with the treasure of a tongue twister ........