I think this may be the weirdest/most traumatic past few months of my life....
February-ish : Car breaks down, needs more repairs than the car is worth, but finances are looking dim because of recent health issues, getting car fixed prior, irresponsibility with finances, etc, etc, etc.....
March: Things looking up, on-again-off-again friend from the last poem I posted lets me use his truck indefinitely.... BUT downside is that it is a gas-suzzling SUV and I jsut feel like having the SUV makes me depend on him in a way that I am not used to depending or answering to folks in....... but hey, it's a vehicle to tide me over and mighty generous of him to offer.....
April, first week: SUV gets a flat tire while I am on the highway but everything is okay, but then I feel extra shitty because it is not my vehicle so I feel guilty (as if it were my fault I get a flat tire...lol), but I change it (bc I am the shit) and buy him a new tire (truck tires are expensive!!!!)
April 25: Had a good day at work, because I spent most of my day in my office with the door closed preparing for the poetry slam finals that I made it to that was taking place that night... leave work headed home to Raleigh to change clothes for the Poetry Slam so I could turn right back around and head to Durham to the venue........ WELL... one moment I am on the exit ramp headed home, and the next moment I am in the emergency room with a neck brace with people standing over me and oxygen in my nose, and lots o' pain, broken ribs, cracked sternum, hella bruises, bruised lungs, 2 black eyes, etc......... I have a funny emergency room story I'll tell at the end of the blog though........
But oh yes, is Alise driving her own car? Oh no, it is the SVU which I will blast right now for rolling over
FORD EXPLORER...... It flipped twice and I was ejected from the vehicle through the windshield.. (Good times!!!! lol)
Okay fastforward a month at my mom's house full of pain, lonliness, and working from home on the sly to get dough to make up the money defecit from the difference of the short term disability and what I really make......
THEN my roommate informs me that she doesn't want to renew our lease so once again my broke ass has been on craigslist trying to find a roommate, at least throught the summer, but maybe longer bc I am trying to take care of things on the financial tip.
THEN yesterday at my followup appointment at the hospital for the accident, I am informed that there was an incidental finding of large tumors on my uterus and ovaries and that I need to go see my GYN ASAP.... sigh...
BUT here is my
silver lining: if it won't for the accident I wouldn't probably know about the tumors until they would have affected me more.... so hey....
This is just the short story, but I just had to get it out!
Here is the funny ER story:
When they brought me in ,my friend who was in the emergency/trauma room with me said that the doctor was explaining my injuries to me and says, "Oh yes, you have multiple contusions on your lungs, a contusion is.....", My friend said right at that moment I cut him off and said, "I know what a fucking contusion is, I'm a college graduate!", and that the doctors and nurses laughed, and she said at that moment she knew that I was going to be alright bc she got a glimmer of my personality even though I was in pain..... lol